Given /^I press the «([^\»]*)» button$/ do |text|
Taps the button containing the specified text.
Then /^I press button number (\d+)$/ do |index|
Taps the button with the specified index.
Then /^I press image button number (\d+)$/ do |index|
Taps the image button with the specified index.
Then /^I press view with id «([^\»]*)»$/ do |id|
Taps the view with the give id.
Then /^I press «([^\»]*)»$/ do |identifier|
Taps the view marked by the specified identifier.
Then /^I touch the «([^\»]*)» text$/ do |text|
Taps the specified text.
Then /^I press list item number (\d+)$/ do |index|
This predefined step is deprecated
Taps the list item with the specified index in the first visible list.
Then /^I long press list item number (\d+)$/ do |index|
This predefined step is deprecated
Long presses the list item with the specified index in the first visible list.
Then /^I click on screen (\d+)% from the left and (\d+)% from the top$/ do |x, y|
Taps the screen at the specified location.