Calabash – Paso Predefinido: Waiting


Then /^I wait for progress$/ do
Will wait until there are no more progress bars.

Then /^I wait for «([^\»]*)» to appear$/ do |text|
Then /^I wait to see «([^\»]*)»$/ do |text|
Waits for the specified text to appear.

Then /^I wait up to (\d+) seconds for «([^\»]*)» to appear$/ do |timeout, text|
Then /^I wait up to (\d+) seconds to see «([^\»]*)»$/ do |timeout, †ext|
Waits for the specified text to appear, with a custom timeout

Then /^I wait for the «([^\»]*)» button to appear$/ do |identifier|
Waits for a button marked by the specified identifier to appear.

Then /^I wait for the «([^\»]*)» screen to appear$/ do |activity_name|
Waits for a particular screen (Android Activity) to appear.

Then /^I wait for the view with id «([^\»]*)» to appear$/ do |id|
Waits for a view with the specified if to appear.

Then /^I wait up to (\d+) seconds for the «([^\»]*)» screen to appear$/ do |timeout, activity_name|
Then /^I wait upto (\d+) seconds for the «([^\»]*)» screen to appear$/ do |timeout, activity_name|
Waits for a particular screen (Android Activity) to appear with a timeout.

Then /^I wait for 1 second$/
Then /^I wait for a second$/
Waits for one second.

Then /^I wait$/
Waits for two seconds.

Then /^I wait for (\d+) seconds$/ do |seconds|
Waits for a specified number of seconds.



Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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