Webinar Gratuito Lippia 3 Soluciones en 1 API WEB MOBILE. Expositor: Juan Manuel Carames.
Su alcance
Se mostrará la implementación básica para comenzar a usar el framework con aplicaciones mobile, web y api.
A quien va dirigido
Desarrolladores que quieran sumar pruebas automatizadas a sus desarrollos, Automation Engineer que quieran tener una solución de trabajo con todo lo básico resuelto, y testers que quieran comenzar a automatizar.
Juan Manuel Carames

We provide Test Automation services, from solution ideation to deployment. To accomplish that we’ve developed Lippia® Test Automation, a framework that combines the most popular Open Source tools and target multi-platforms apps. Lets you to automate tests in Web, Mobile, Desktop and APIs. Containerized and cloud ready, it saves up to 6 months of work compared to build your own framework.
Lippia Automation Framework

Lippia Architecture

One framework, many apps: API / web / mobile / desktop
Use the same codebase to automate your business scenarios for all your apps no matter wich technology is based on.
Multiple reports: Jira, TFS, Extent, Allure, API
Integrate your favourite Test Management solution, use popular Open Source reports like Extent or Allure or simply integrate our Report API.
BDD Cucumber
Write your test cases in BDD using Gherkin to integrate and communicate your Testers and Product Owners.
Parallel executions
Run tests in parallel to boost your testing cycles.
Containerised architecture
Based on Docker technology to easily deploy in any platform, Onpremise and Cloud.
CI/CD: integrate into any pipeline
Built-in Jenkins job to use as it or integrate into your pipeline.
Lippia Web Demo First Look