Calabash – Paso Predefinido: Input steps

Input steps

Then /^I toggle checkbox number (\d+)$/ do |index|
Toggles the checkout with the specified index.

Then /^I long press «([^\»]*)»$/ do |text|
Long presses the view containing the specified text.

Then /^I long press «([^\»]*)» and select item number (\d+)$/ do |text, index|

This predefined step is deprecated

Long presses the view containing the specified text and selects the menu item with the specified index in the context menu that appears.

Then /^I long press «([^\»]*)» and select «([^\»]*)»$/ do |text, identifier|
This predefined step is deprecated

Long presses the view containing the specified text and selects the menu item marked by the specified identifier in the context menu that appears.

Given /^I set the date to «(\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d)» on DatePicker with index «([^\»]*)»$/ do |date, index|
Finds the datepicker with the specified index and changes the date.

Given /^I set the time to «(\d\d:\d\d)» on TimePicker with index «([^\»]*)»$/
Given /^I set the «([^\»]*)» time to «(\d\d:\d\d)»$/
Finds the timepicker with the specified index and changes the time.

Given /^I set the «([^\»]*)» date to «(\d\d-\d\d-\d\d\d\d)»$/ do |content_description, date|
Finds the datepicker by content description and changes the date.

Then /^I enter «([^\»]*)» into input field number (\d+)$/ do |text, index|
Enters the specified text into the input field with the specified index.

Then /^I enter text «([^\»]*)» into field with id «([^\»]*)»$/ do |text, id|
Enters the specified text into the input field with the specified id.

Then /^I enter «([^\»]*)» as «([^\»]*)»$/ do |text, content_description|
Then /^I enter «([^\»]*)» into «([^\»]*)»$/ do |text, content_description|
Enters the specified text into the input field that has the specified content description.

Then /^I clear input field number (\d+)$/ do |index|
Clears the text of the input field with the specified index.

Then /^I clear «([^\»]*)»$/ do |identifier|
Clears the text of input fields marked by the identifier.

Then /^I clear input field with id «([^\»]*)»$/ do |id|
Clears the text of the input field with the specified id.

Then /^I select «([^\»]*)» from «([^\»]*)»$/ do |item_identifier, spinner_identifier|
Finds the spinner marked by the specified ‘spinner_identifier’ or has a childview marked by the specified ‘spinner_identifier’. It then selects the menu item marked by the specified ‘item_identifier’.


Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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