Calabash – Paso Predefinido: Internationalization


Then /^I press text of translated l10key (\d+)$/
Simulates that the user pressed the text of the l10nkey.

Then /^I press button of translated l10key (\d+)$/
Simulates that the user pressed the button with the label text of the l10nkey.

Then /^I press menu item of translated l10key (\d+)$/
Simulates that the user pressed the menu item with the label text of the l10nkey.

Then /^I press toggle button of translated l10key (\d+)$/
Simulates that the user pressed the toggle button with the label text of the l10nkey.

Then /^I wait for the translated «([^\»]*)» l10nkey to appear$/
Waits until the text of the translated l10nkey is displayed.

Note: you can assert or press interface elements using Android’s String resources by passing a package in a custom step:

perform_action(‘press_l10n_element’, ‘ok’, nil, ‘android’)



Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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