Listado de los videos-tutoriales y el cronograma de fechas programadas de la publicación de los mismos.

Podrán acceder a ellos desde

21/12/2013 – SEL 1: How To Automate Browser ?
22/12/2013 – SEL 2: Selenium ToolKit
23/12/2013 – SEL 3: Installing Selenium IDE
24/12/2013 – SEL 4: Using Selenium IDE
25/12/2013 – SEL 5: Extending Default IDE Recorded Script
26/12/2013 – SEL 6 : How To Locate Web Elements By ID
27/12/2013 – SEL 7: How To Locate Web Elements By Name
28/12/2013 – SEL 8: How To Locate Web Elements By Link
29/12/2013 – SEL9: How To Locate Web Elements By Xpath
30/12/2013 – SEL 10: How To Locate Web Elements By Xpath With Examples
31/12/2013 – Sel 11: Locating Dynamic Contents Using XPath
01/01/2014 – SEL 12: Locating Web Elements Using CSS
02/01/2014 – SEL 13: How To Develop Flight Search Scripts Without UsingSele
03/01/2014 – SEL 14: Drawback of selenium IDE
04/01/2014 – SEL 15: How Selenium Remote Control Server Works
05/01/2014 – SEL 16: How Selenium Web Driver Works
06/01/2014 – SEL 17: How To Start Selenium RC Server
07/01/2014 – SEL 18: Running Selenium Test Case on Eclipse Platform
08/01/2014 – SEL 19: A Sample Selenium Automation Using Selenium RC
09/01/2014 – SEL 20: A Sample Selenium Automation Using Selenium WebDriver
10/01/2014 – SEL 21: How To Write WebDriver Backed Client
11/01/2014 – SEL 22: How To Handle Wait Events In Web Driver Framework
12/01/2014 – SEL 23: How To Modularize WebDriver Backed Client
13/01/2014 – SEL 24: How To Read Excel File Using Apache POI
14/01/2014 – SEL 25: Extending Web Driver Backed Client To Drive Using Inputs
15/01/2014 – SEL 26: Final Version of Web Driver Backed Travel Automation Pr
16/01/2014 – SEL 27: Lets Automate One More Flight Reservation Application
17/01/2014 – SEL 28: Integrating Second Travel Application Into Data Driven Fra
18/01/2014 – SEL 29: How To Generalize Web Driver Backed Framework Using
19/01/2014 – SEL 30: Code Walkthrough of Keyword Driven Framework
20/01/2014 – SEL 31: Keyword Driven Framework In Action
21/01/2014 – SEL 32: Developing an Hybrid Framework Leveraging Features Da
22/01/2014 – SEL 33: Running Hybrid Framework
23/01/2014 – SEL 34: How To Use Selenium To Test Web Application
24/01/2014 – SEL 35: Why Do We Test Software
25/01/2014 – SEL 36: Different Type of Software Testing We do
26/01/2014 – SEL 37: Different Type of Software Testing We do Part 2
27/01/2014 – SEL 38: How To Write Test Cases
28/01/2014 – SEL 39: How To Create Test Plan
29/01/2014 – SEL 40: Introducing Test Application For Project
30/01/2014 – SEl 41: Installing Base Technology Stack For Test Environment Setup
31/01/2014 – SEL 42: Installing Test Application (Moodle Open Source LMS)
01/02/2014 – SEL 43: Defining Scope Of Our Testing
02/02/2014 – SEL 44: What Frameworks Should We Choose ?
03/01/2014 – SEL 45 General Approach For Testing Project
04/01/2014 – SEL 46: Automating User Registration Process (Test Case 1 )
05/01/2014 – SEL 47: Automating User Confirmation Process (Test Case 2)
06/01/2014 – SEL 48: Final Thoughts on Class

Además de estos videos-tutoriales, hay más material en video y en mapas conceptuales, te invito a que te hagas fan y si te gusta el contenido, me dejes un “LIKE”, muchas gracias!!!!



Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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