Presentación de Monkop
Comparto un pdf que me lo ha pasado Fabian Baptista, que muestra la motivación y el principal aporte de Monkop en el mundo Android La presentación incluye una demo, en…
Comparto un pdf que me lo ha pasado Fabian Baptista, que muestra la motivación y el principal aporte de Monkop en el mundo Android La presentación incluye una demo, en…
Para tenerlo como ayuda memoria, les dejo un pequeño listado de los Pasos Predefinidos para Calabash Calabash - Paso Predefinido: Assertion steps Calabash - Paso Predefinido: Input steps Calabash -…
Internationalization Then /^I press text of translated l10key (\d+)$/ Simulates that the user pressed the text of the l10nkey. Then /^I press button of translated l10key (\d+)$/ Simulates that the…
Location steps If you allow your phone to use mocked locations (configured on your device under development settings) and your app has the ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION permission you can change the perceived…
Screenshots To take a screenshot of the phone while running the test use any of these steps. Then /^take picture$/ Then /^I take a picture$/ Then /^I take a screenshot$/…
Waiting Then /^I wait for progress$/ do Will wait until there are no more progress bars. Then /^I wait for "([^\"]*)" to appear$/ do |text| Then /^I wait to see…
Touching Given /^I press the "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |text| Taps the button containing the specified text. Then /^I press button number (\d+)$/ do |index| Taps the button with the specified…
Gestures Then /^I swipe left$/ Swipes left. Then /^I swipe right$/ Swipes right. Then /^I scroll down$/ Scrolls down. Then /^I scroll up$/ Scrolls up. Then /^I select "([^\"]*)" from…