TMap Next in scrum

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TMap NEXT in Scrum - SOGETITMap Next in scrum
Effective testing in Agile projects
Leo van der Aalst and Cecile Davis

by Nijs Blokland
by Arie van Bennekum

1. Introduction
2. Target group, scope and reading instructions
2.1. Reading instructions
2.2. Acknowledgements
3. Lean, Agile and Scrum
3.1. Lean
3.2. Agile
3.3. Scrum
3.3.1. Scrum approach
3.3.2. Scrum process description in a nutshell
3.3.3. Supporting techniques
4. Vision on testing in Agile
4.1. Use the Agile Manifesto as the starting point
4.2. The test process must be integrated in the Agile approach
4.3. Find the right balance by making conscious choices
4.4. Use the strength of the four TMap Next essentials
5. TMap NEXT and Scrum
5.1. The four TMap essentials and Agile/Scrum
5.1.1. Adaptive
5.1.2. Business-driven test management
5.1.3. Complete toolbox
5.1.4. Structured test process
5.2. The TMap lifecycle and Scrum
5.3. The TMap activities and Scrum
5.3.1. Planning
5.3.2. Control
5.3.3. Setting up and maintaining infrastructure
5.3.4. Preparation
5.3.5. Specification
5.3.6. Execution
5.3.7. Completion
5.4. From TMap and Scrum to TMap in Scrum
5.5. And what abour…?
6. Scrum and TMap NEXT
6.1. Testing in Sprint 0
6.1.1. Process set-up
6.1.2. Definition of done (DoD), of ready (DoR), of shippable (DoS)
6.1.3. Test strategy
6.1.4. High-level estimation of effort
6.1.5. Training
6.1.6. Tools
6.1.7. Communication
6.2. Testing in the project and Sprint planning
6.3. Testing in the Sprint
6.4. Testing in the daily Scrum
6.5. Testing in the Sprint review
6.6. Testing in the Sprint retrospective
6.7. Scrum-of-Scrums
6.8. Scrum and TMap in one overview


Agile Testing, what can be borrowed from DSDM?


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Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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