Year of English, Day 161: Review time!

Take a few minutes to go back and review the English that you learned in the last week.

Try to remember a few things on your own before you click through the links below. Can you recall a new word you learned for talking about a friend? Do you remember what words get reduced in normal speech? Can you think of a sports idiom that you learned about?

  • Day 155: Sports-related idioms
  • Day 156: Words for friends
  • Day 157: Metaphors for money
  • Day 158: A current news story
  • Day 159: Discuss a talking point
  • Day 160: Reductions

After you’ve looked at the lesson again, add any words or phrases that you want to remember to your flash cards or notes.


Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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