Year of English, Day 116: The 14-year-old hamburger

Sumario –> Lección del día 116 relativo a una situación que se dió hace algunos años con una persona que encontró en uno de sus bolsillos, una hamburguesa de muchos años atrás y todo lo vinculado con este tema de las comidas que vamos dejando y/o guardando.

Detalle –>

Check out this news segment about a man who found a 14-year-old hamburger in his pocket.

Pay special attention to the end, when several people react to hearing about the old hamburger. You can hear some ways to respond to something gross:
– «Ewwww…»
– «Ugh.»
– «That´s so wrong.»
– «No, thanks»
– «That’s just too nasty»

From post: Yes, that’s a 14-year-old burger in my pocket…

Have you ever cleaned out your refrigerator or pantry and found a really old piece of food?
You know what I’m talking about- Oreo cookies that have gone from black and white to all gree, slices of mold-dripping bread, milk that smells like it was bottled at the sulfur mine.
Usually, we have a knack for knowing when to toss away food that´s about to go bad. But sometimes, we completely forget about it until we encounter quite a surprise.
That’s what happened to David Whipple, a Utah native who discovered an old hamburger in his coat pocket. How old was that burger? Let’s just say it was cooked when Bill Clinton was president.
Watch the video above to hear about the ancient burger and the surprising condition it was in.

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Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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