Listado de los videos-tutoriales y el cronograma de fechas programadas de la publicación de los mismos.

Podrán acceder a ellos desde https://www.facebook.com/testingbaires/

22/12/2013 – Tutorial 1 – Introduction to QTP & ADD – Ins (03:19)
23/12/2013 – Tutorial 2 – First Look Flight Reservation Application (03:29)
24/12/2013 – Tutorial 3 – First Look Quick Test Professional (QTP) (04:11)
25/12/2013 – Tutorial 4 – First QTP Script | Identify Test Steps (01:15)
26/12/2013 – Tutorial 5 – Record & Run Settings | Recording the Script (02:39)
27/12/2013 – Tutorial 6 – Object Identification (04:52) (Must Watch)
28/12/2013 – Tutorial 7 – Understanding Expert View (01:52)
29/12/2013 – Tutorial 8 – Understanding Keyword View | Comparing Expert & Keyword View (01:27)
30/12/2013 – Tutorial 9 – Understanding Recorded Script (02:44)
31/12/2013 – Tutorial 10 – Replay | Run Settings (01:53)
01/01/2014 – Tutorial 11 – Test Results Analysis (01:18)
02/01/2014 – Tutorial 12 – Parametrization (04:00)
03/01/2014 – Tutorial 13 – Checkpoints – Standard CheckPoints (04:47)
04/01/2014 – Tutorial 14 – Checkpoints – Advanced (08:47)
05/01/2014 – Tutorial 15- OutPut Values (06:02)
06/01/2014 – Tutorial 16 – If & Else Loop (03:38)
07/01/2014 – Tutorial 17 – Reporter.Report Event | Results Formatting (04:54)
08/01/2014 – Tutorial 18 – Actions (11:02)
09/01/2014 – Tutorial 19 – Object Identification (03:39)
10/01/2014 – Tutorial 20 – SMART Identification (07:52)
11/01/2014 – Tutorial 21 – Object Property Modification (02:46)
12/01/2014 – Tutorial 22 – Ordinal Identifiers (06:39)
13/01/2014 – Tutorial 23 – Local Object Repository (06:07)
14/01/2014 – Tutorial 24 – Shared Object Repository (05:54)
15/01/2014 – Tutorial 25 – Develop Script in EXPERT View (02:25)
16/01/2014 – Tutorial 26 – Recording Modes in QTP (07:05)
17/01/2014 – Tutorial 27 – User Defined Functions (03:05)
18/01/2014 – Tutorial 28 – Transactions (02:20)
19/01/2014 – Tutorial 29 – Recovery Scenarios (08:29)
20/01/2014 – Tutorial 30 – Optional Step (01:30)
21/01/2014 – Tutorial 31 – GetROProperty | Object Spy (08:31)
22/01/2014 – Tutorial 32 – Descriptive Programming – Part 1 (06:47)
23/01/2014 – Tutorial 33 – Descriptive Programming – Part 2 (03:47)
24/01/2014 – Tutorial 34 – Test Automation Frameworks – (This is an Article not a Video)

Además de estos videos-tutoriales, hay más material en video y en mapas conceptuales, te invito a que te hagas fan y si te gusta el contenido, me dejes un “LIKE”, muchas gracias!!!!

Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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