Year of English, Day 118: Look something up in English

Sumario –> Lección del día 118 relativo a una manera de ir incorporando el idioma inglés a nuestra vida diaria a través de la lectura de artículos publicados en ‘Simple English Wikipedia’.

Detalle –>
To improve your English ability, you need to find ways to fit English into your daily life.

Here’s one way that you can do that. When you need to learn about a topic, do you search for it in your native language? Try looking it up in English instead.

A useful tool for doing that is Simple English Wikipedia. It’s an encyclopedia that’s written in simple language, so that it can be easily read by English learners and young people.

Here are some examples of articles from Simple English Wikipedia.

  • acupuncture
  • irrigation
  • atheism
  • Walt Disney

Try looking up a topic that you want to learn more about!

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Gus Terrera

Apasionado por el agile testing y la ia.

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